Loan Management Software | Loan Management System

Loan Management System

Get Accurate Loan Management System To Scale Your Business
For MFIs, NBFCs, and Small Finance Banks.

How Works?

For your very specific loan management process, we have highly flexible solutions.
Loan Management System Dashboard
Our solutions help for saving nearly 70% of your time. Giving flaxiblity for creating customer, loan payment reminder and reporting generation.
  • Loan Management System - Customer Views
    Easy view of customer, filters and create feature with Family & Contacts details, Identities & Documents and Bank Accounts. Easily possible customer data management.
  • Loan Management System - Loan Details
    Loan Details
    Loan Management System with approvals, with diff Type of Products, Accounting, Total Paid Amount, Total Pending Amount, Pending Principal Amount, Total Interest Amount, Total Interest Received and Pending Interest Amount.
  • loan_management_software_installment_view
    Installments with computation, Pending Principal Amount, Payment Amount, Principal Amount, Interest Amount, Penalty Amount and Received Amount. Installment managed easily and related payments with penalty.

Product Features

Benefits of Products

Seamless Loan Approval Process
Helping you create a user-friendly lending operation process integrated with different stages beginning from the client application and document verification, to approvals.
EFT Payment Process
We ensure safe and secured payment installation methods that enable electronic fund transfer with various banks and further facilitate bulk payment processes.
Effective Document Management
Our efficient software helps manage loan-specific documents including confidential documents of clients, the title of documents, along with a loan documentation tracker system.
Creation of Debit Note
The software creates debit notes instantly for various types of fees/ charges such as accounts receivable.
Advance Payment Options
Provides facility to take advance payments on the loan, which is further reduced from installments or added to the processing fees.



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